331.9 Million Domain Names on Internet
The number of domain name registrations has increased in second quater to approximately 331.9 million spanning all TLD’s as reported by VeriSign.
Over the this period, the increase in domain registrations is in the tune of 1.3 million, about 0.4 percent increase over the first quater.
I look through hundreds of domains every day to come-up with a few good ones . Here is the list for today.
BeyondStress.com |
CWK.co |
DataAnalysisService.com |
EveryVote.com |
FiveTwenty.com |
FJUD.com |
HomeForce.com |
HumanNetwork.org |
NeedAWinner.com |
ShorterDomain.com |
StartupDesigner.com |
YGEK.com |
Zilic.com |
The domain names I mention in the list are no way a endorsement to buy, do your own due diligence and research.